Originally Posted by ngdawg
Just did a little 'test'...things I listen to that are a bit more 'obscure' can be found on limewire, they cannot be found on slsk...(limewire works like those older fileshare programs and you did not have to be online as your music file becomes a shared 'library', of course with cable, technically, you're always 'on', until you shut the computer off; dial-up, no so that obviously would not work).
My point is, what I can find on slsk I can also find on Limewire and then some and I don't have to be 'allowed' nor do the files I seek have to be 'allowed'. You're on, you're sharing.
"you're on, you're sharing" .. exactly one of the main reasons I'll never use it again. I like having the option of allowing my shares to be shared and having control over my user list. As far as obscure goes.. I'm not really sure what you're listening to but I've always found hard to find stuff (you call it weirdo music hehe) on slsk better than anywhere else with the exception of eMule. I guess it all comes down to personal preference. I prefer slsk.. easy to use, easy on memory and easy to control my files.