pigglet and maleficent made some excellent points, hopefully mine are worth a fraction of their's
just delete it.
Bluntly, you're better off without it. [don't know how else to put it]
i deleted my stash a few months back, my rate of masterbation decreased a bit; mainly that I've been busy doing other activities.
Activity, including excercise, help you derive pleasure from more healthy sources, as well as the myraid of social, mental, and intellectual benefits it can lead.
Activities ? Anything from reading, excercising, working, creative work [writing/painting], travel, whatever else.
I recommend Volunteering as the best way to get out of any 'rut,' meeting tons of new people and you can network with them [on so many levels - business, platonic, or even more serious with a female volunteer
help benefit the world on a cause of your choice and help discover your passions and personal causes; and your level of commitment is all up to you - most organizations are usually very flexible with your time constraints....
If you have any more questions/concerns, let us know.
catcha back on the flipside,