I understand!!
I too have difficulties making female friends. Allow me to ellaborate. I have difficulty finding people that are of "good character." I have not taken the standard path with leaving home at 18, going to college for four years and getting a job. I was in the age of the dot com boom (and not knowing what I wanted to do yet) I was able to make great money at the ripe old age of 20. I thought "This is great, I don't really need college." Needless to say, that bubble burst, I was laid off and get stuck in some of the worst jobs I can imagine for the worst pay because I had no college degree. Being in those crappy jobs gave me the kick in the ass that I needed to go to college. I was able to meet some people at night school because we all worked. I did face big problems working with women at my work however. I either had a woman boss who thought we were gal pals and therefore she liked to talk to me about her menstral cycle (yeah, that's not weird) and my coworkers who were women were very catty and acted as though they were in the 10th grade. I got along fantastically with my male coworkers. Fast forward four years of going part time to finally being able to go full time to college. I have found that I am at least eight years older than the rest of my class. This means that being 28 versus being 18 are two very different dynamics. I don't talk about my hair, getting wasted the night before, watch the Real World or have the emotional depth of a bottlecap. When I have found people my age or older, there only seems to be school in common so when the class ends, I never see them again. So I basically I go to campus and put in about 40 hours worth of time and have no real conversations with anybody. I don't really think about how this makes me feel but every now and again I get sad because I don't understand why. I am an intellegent, witty, sarcastic, honest, confident good person who is having trouble making connections at the place I spend many waking hours. Any suggestions?