I don't think there's a problem with calling too soon. At least not in most cases; any problem here could just be dependent on the other aspect.
Some would say not to do a movie. In another post they suggested mini-golf or something. You two have seen movies/shows on the boat, so it's definitely just fine to take her to one as part of a regular date. However, the more activity-oriented things might be more fun and a better chance to get to know her. Go mini-golfing, bowling, take a hike, take a walk around a lake, whatever.
I may be biased on my advice ref the boyfriend thing because an ex of mine cheated on me. I've never been one to insert myself into relationships, and even though I've missed out on at least one opportunity in the past, I'm proud I didn't lead someone to cheat. So, that being said, you've told her how you feel; if you want to call her, I think that's ok. But don't pressure her to leave her boyfriend and instead make sure to give her the room to make her own decision. If she really likes you, she may dump him for you; if she still likes him, she might feel badly about this whole thing already. In either case, I think you're treating her with respect, as should be the case.
For whatever it's worth...