I went through all that, including starting the adoption process. After 10 years(totally NOT normal time period) and countless other fertility treatments, my twins were conceived thru a GIFT.
First, check with your insurance. While they may not cover the actual implantation, they may cover everything else, including all the drugs. The fertility specialist you see knows how to list the medications, or should, so they are not questionable.
Second, check with the adoption agency to see if they will work with you while the procedure is taking place. One we dealt with would not, but another would, holding our application for one year after the birth of my kids. This won't or shouldn't require any large sum of money, at least with the initial application to adopt.
One final thing-is this doctor a fertility specialist? Please get one if not. OB-GYN's and GP's are not as knowledgeable.
Good luck. It's a rough ride, but well worth it, I think.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.