Personally, I have always found it difficult to maintain female friendships. Of my four or five nearest and dearest, only one is a woman and I'm finding as I grow older I have less and less in common with other women. We are a competitive, control-seeking emotional lot-probably why the term 'catty' is used to describe us. (what's ironic is people that don't know me at all think I hate men!!)
Those people in high school you called friends weren't friends, obviously. Hopefully, in college, some maturity may come along. In the meantime, there are, I'm sure, study groups, activities, etc that you can get involved with-as long as you get involved in things you truly enjoy and not just to 'make friends'. And why not paint Streaks nails and let him do yours?
Put yourself out there and let things flow naturally in the long run. Sometimes the best things we searched for all our lives come along when we stop looking.