1) Just be yourself and prevent yourself from already having a house and family in your mind. Just be realistic and let things develop naturally. Also, make sure you really like the girl and aren't just interested because she is the first.. There can be other girls if she isn't ideal for you.
2) Sounds good to me. A picnic should be a lot of fun, and a good opportunity to talk to one another.
3) I'd recommend mini-golf and advise against a movie.
4) There may be truth to it, but I would just do what "you" would do, and not worry about sayings, recommendations, and such. If you feel like calling her, then call her. If not, wait. Don't let other people dictate your relationship unnecessarily.
5) You might be, or she might be something special. Just because it's a first date doesn't guarantee that she will be a winner, or conversely that she will be forgettable. What's important is that you be yourself, and let her get to know the real you right away, so that any decision that she (or you) makes regarding the relationship, will be the correct on.
Lastly, I'd recommend you make sure you know if you are entering a friendship or a relationship. If you asked her on a date, it seems you are entering a relationship, which is fine. The only reason I mention that is because in the past, I've become friends with girls first, and we then hit a wall, one that never advanced to relationship status. So just know what you both are getting into, and ideally you both are looking for the same things.
Good luck.
Desperation is no excuse for lowering one's standards.