Originally Posted by tecoyah
So...the actual difference may be, "God killed them/Thus I am happy" vs. "God wants ME to kill them/ thus I am happy"?
We still end up with the reality that someone agrees that the deaths are OK, or part of Gods' plan. This is the correlation I was pointing out, whether correct or not, it is one I see. I am of the opinion that there is little difference on a fundamental level, they both condone death at some Gods' whim.
Again....just my opinion.
Its a huge difference...I would hope it was apparent.
If I didn't care if all sinners died and was part of 'gods plan' then I'd be a bit of a loon.
If I wanted all sinners to die and killed them myself I'd be a pyschopathic killer.
In one you are expect god to take care of the problem, in the other you are gods agent of destruction.
Who would you rather live next to as a non-believer Techoya?