I would not tolerate swearing in my class. I have not. I do not tolerate ANYone, even my grown brother swearing in my home. Though when it comes to adults I will quietly say "Do you mind using a different word please." and usually I will only say something if they swear more than one time.
If a school I was employed at allowed the students to show disrespect to a teacher in such a way, I would not work there. I could understand it slipping out when they stub their toe on a desk leg. If they ever swore when speaking to me I would not allow it. If the school insisted I allow it I would not teach.
The idea that some students just can't help it would not fly for me. I realize habits are hard to break but it isn't impossible. What you expect of your students is usually what they will strive for. I would expect the best from each one, including a proper use of vocabulary.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.