Originally Posted by Kubz18
well we already talked about some of this,
she knew everything that happend between me and beth and i mean everything and she dosent care, but i get what your saying,
also since there both live a good 4-5 hours away from each other now the friendship seems to be fading but who knows...plus like i said its really not that serious now, its not like shes trying to hide it but once again its girls and who knows
well see what happens....maybe beth is dating some guy and that will make it ok who knows
however, the guy beth might be dating is not your best friend! dont go there buddy.ask yourself how you'd react to beth going out with your best friend.believe me, you dont want to be in that situation.in the end, if their relationship is as strong to say that they are (bff), then they always going to be best friends and you my friend, in the end could get lfet with nothing.
and that's an even worse feeling.