Like John Lennon, I am imagining life where there was no rich, no poor, no possessions, nothing to distinguish you from your neighbour.
I am pretty sure that Hurricane Katrina is not what he was thinking about. I was thinking that there would be something more idealistic, more utopic.
Hey, do you think there is a smiley that accurately portrays the grief of having all your shit blow away, while you stand waist-deep in festering sewer water?
--> Oh, look, my shit is blowing round and round.
--> those aren't question marks over my head, they are little stink lines.
--> Ouch, I got a stick blown in my eye, but I'm smiling because my neighbor is waaaay worse off.
Okay, maybe I am being insensitive by being humourous in a time like this, but what else am I going to do... make faces like this? -->