I'm going to hell for this post. All I think when I hear this headline is MOO..
Why would anyone in Iraq under the current state of the country gather in a very large group in public? It sounds like a terror bomber's dream. Use some common sense and don't go:
a. where there are very large groups of people.
b. where there will certainly be Iraqi Police.
c. any place that is a likely target for a bomber.
I feel terrible for the people this happened to and their families, but would you go stand in the middle of the crossfire in a war zone? There are places you just don't go because you know better. For example, I'm a little (5'6") white boy, I know better than to go play in the ghetto in downtown Baltimore. It shouldn't be that way for the me or the Iraqis, but that's the reality of it.
I feel the same type of compassion for the people that made the decision to stay and wait out the hurricane when they knew it was coming. It stinks to learn lessons that way.
I shake the devil's hand daily... I'd do it hourly, but my hand gets tired.