I just don't know about this, and I'm not trying to be arguementative, I promise! lol. (I promise I'm actually a very nice lady, although I'm sure this particular thread has some pegging me as a bioch, heh.)
If I understand the gentleman, then I should instead do/say something like:
"Honey, could you please go to the drycleaners and pick up the drycleaning? And then could you bring it in from the car when you get home? And then could you hang up the drycleaning? In our closet? "
Because I can tell you that that would engender a teenage-like feeling of resentment as well from the hubby, if I deliniated every single step. And then yes, I would certainly feel like his mother as well (without the mad cooking skillz). But I am willing to re-evaluate whether I an justified in feeling resentful if I am not that specific, and those steps do not take place.
It seems kind of strange to imagine that I should have to spell out everything for him though...I guess it's those expectations again. If he uses the restroom, I expect him to flush (and he lives up to those expectations, heh). If he gets food out of the fridge, I expect him to put away the leftovers so they don't go bad, etc. etc.
So you're saying I should not have those expectations if I don't enumerate them...yes?
Also, to say I'm asking him for a favor implies that otherwise, it's *my* responsibility. But weren't we talking about shared responsibility here?
Unspecificishness--cute! I do understand the idea/concept, though.
AND...I do appreciate you taking the time to evaluate my situation and offer an opinion/solution. Thanks