Poetry seems to be the style of choice, but I chose to write about my biggest heartbreak which had a huge impact on my life. Hope you enjoy since I'm still in the practicing mode of my writing.
Double Heartbreak
She knew that she had to end the relationship. It was not going with the plans that they had devised after they graduated high school. She thought that it would change and that he would mature, as she had over the past three years. Instead, he stayed the irresponsible high school boy and she had developed into a woman with bigger dreams. The phone rang and she knew what she had to say. She said her piece and listened to him plead his love and promise that he would change if only she would give him the chance. She said that his chances were gone and he could live a happy life with someone who would accept his drinking and irresponsibility.
She slipped the ring off her finger and her hand felt a ton lighter and her heart soared. She was finally free. He, on the other hand, was heartbroken and tried everything to get her back. He left her poems and sent flowers to her house. He came over and cried on her shoulder just asking for another chance. Then after a month of attempting to get her to change her mind, he left and she didn’t hear anything about him for 5 months. Then the new came…he was dead. He had died in a car accident the night before. She went to the funeral and listened to friends and family members confess how he had loved her until the day he died and always held hope that they would reconcile the differences. As she was standing at the gravesite filled, a man approached her and asked her name. He told her that he had something for her and handed her a manila envelope. The handwriting on the front was the handwriting that used to make her heart feel with joy. The drive home seemed like an eternity. The curiosity was burning inside her. She went to her room and shut the door. Slowly, she opened the envelope and took out the contents. There were 7 letters numbered and dated. She slowly read through each letter. The first letter praised her, but as the letters progressed they were filled with more and more hate. Then she read the words that broke her heart in the same way that she had broken his: ‘You probably wouldn’t care if I died today.”
Whatever did happen to your soul?
I heard you sold it
Choose Heaven for the weather and Hell for the company