my first girlfriends mum bought us our first pack of condoms, and gave them to me when she dropped her off at my place for the weekend... she was sat in the car and said "here you go, take these" and passed me what i thought were condoms in a small plastic bag...
When i got in the house, I opened them to find it was actually a pack of balloons, and that my GF at the time actually had the box of them in her weekend bag.
*sigh* -- what i'd give to be back there again.
Anyway - I think it's a shock to all parents that their offspring are doing these things. The only thing I can recommend is that you let your parents get used to you and your gf have private time in your room. In other words... no moaning the house down, no leaving used condoms hanging off the bedside cabinet and the biggie - put a pillow behind the headboard.
Eventually, you may want to let a condom wrapper come into view in a subtle way... that way - if they are concerned that you're doing it - they'll feel better knowing that your safe.
As long as you don't rub it in their faces, I'm sure you'll be fine.
Good luck
Mr T