Girl of my dreams... advice seeking
This is a tad bit awkward for me but I have an important situation on my proverbial plate and would like some input. I am about to start enjoying college again and have become quite attached to a wonderful young woman whom I met last winter, we saw each other a few times over the summer, much more frequently lately, and I feel as if we were made for each other, I have never been in a serious relationship, or many non-serious ones!, with the opposite sex and I want this one to work out more than anything else in my world right now... I made my intentions clear to her about a week ago, and the fact that I waited until then was due to her already being involved in another relationship which finally ended about a week and a half ago, when I told her this she said that, and I expected this, she needs a break, that her previous relationship had lasted two years and she doesn't want to rush into a new one with disastrous consequences... after which we enjoyed our first and a deliciously long good night kiss.... so, as I am sure any of you can tell, I am on that emotional roller coaster that we always hear about the young generations suffering from, this girl is the most intelligent and amazing person that I have ever met and I know we are going to be spending a lot of time together this fall and I realize that I should just let events take their course and see where it goes but I just need to get some input since there are very few people in my life that I feel comfortable talking about this too and I am so inexperienced in relationships in the first place....
so if you have made it all the way to this line, thanks so much for letting me borrow some of your time and please feel free to contribute more of it in a thoughtful response....
I know not how I may seem to others, but to myself I am but a small child wandering upon the vast shores of knowledge, every now and then finding a small bright pebble to content myself with. [Plato]