I think the whole Pat Robertson debacle nicely demonstrates the fundamental flaw within conservative or evangelical Christianity: it is, at its root, a hubris-based Christianity rather than a humility-based Christianity.
By hubris I mean an inflexible, prideful, superior worldview, as opposed to a humble, awed, altruistic worldview that understand the fallibility of all people and respects us all as equals.
And I think Robertson's strutting self-aggrandizement is the epitome of what the U.S. is doing right now under Bush; both take the self as superior and godlike, worthy of deciding who lives and who dies for the interests of the United States of America.
Ironically, this worldview is really anti-American, or should be seen as such to any constructionist: the founders took the assumption that all people are flawed and fallible, and posited a system of equality and checks and balances to counter that fallibility. They were humility-based Christians.
The Greeks understood well that within hubris are the seeds of its own destruction....Not to get too dramatic, but in my opinion we will be paying for what we're doing in Iraq for a long time. And Pat Robertson assassinated himself LONG ago.