Originally Posted by Daoust
Now, do you think that my wife has it too easy? Considering the fact that she cleans the house on average once every three days, and makes me supper maybe once or twice a week?
Should she be doing more in your opinion? Sorry for the threadjack, but I hope to get some answers here...
It depends on how old your daughter is. Having just spent a few days with various nephews ranging from 10 weeks to a year old, they require pretty much constant attention, and it doesn't leave you free to do much at all. When they're sleeping you can get some stuff done, but that's not often a long time to get EVERYTHING done that needs it. It's been my experience that a lot of parents who don't stay home with the kids regularly have an unrealistic picture of what that looks like. Not saying you do, but I think that's behind a lot of disagreements between couples about housework: unrealistic pictures of what the other person's day looks like.