This is an interesting discussion the subject of which is often the cause of some marital discord at my house...
I work. I'm often gone from 6 a.m. to 5 or 6 p.m. every day except Sat and Sun. I do the following jobs:
-cut grass or shovel walk
-sort, wash but not fold or put away laundery
-run dishwasher (although easy, the point is that I do it, not her usually)
-general upkeep of house
-if anything breaks it's my job to get it fixed.
My wife stays at home with our daughter full time. She pays the bills. I believe it is her responsibility, yes, responsibility, to do two simple tasks...
1. Keep the house clean. At the end of the day, when I get home from work, ideally the house should be tidy, the floor is relatively clean (free of baby toys, I don't care about dirt), the bedroom is tidy. I don't care if the bed is made but I HATE clothes all over the floor, dishes on the night table, etc. I think that my expectations are realistic, and not too demanding.
2. Prepare supper. Not every day. What's funny is that I feel like a chauvinist for suggesting such a thing. I only expect a meal to be made maybe 4 times a week. From a stay at home mom. Again I don't think that's asking too much.
Now, do you think that my wife has it too easy? Considering the fact that she cleans the house on average once every three days, and makes me supper maybe once or twice a week?
Should she be doing more in your opinion? Sorry for the threadjack, but I hope to get some answers here...
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys