It's been interesting to read the advice/perspectives on your post. I have a perspective you've not had so far. My first gf was my first sexual experience, I her second. Me 19, she 17. We fell in love and lived together for several years before deciding we'd like to get married. Sex was always great as far as I was concerned- we had fun, we experimented and learned what each other enjoyed (pussy is pussy, as long as you're getting what you like, why complain or look elsewhere). She would ask if I thought about other women because I only knew her. I had to answer truthfully 'no, you're it and you're great'. I was in love and nothing else mattered. One day she had a one-night-stand in a night club after we'd had a blue. I found out when I took a call from him in the middle of the night. It gutted me for a while, but forgave her and moved on from the lesson. (just a sucker with no self esteem). She still asked how could I be truly happy with her if I didn't know what to compare her with. Call me romantically stupid or just plain naieve, but I just didn't understand why she needed this discussion, because the response was still the same. Long story short, she harrassed me about it until one day I took a slightly longer look at another girl to see if something stirred. It didn't but I pushed myself anyway just so I could tell my gf that she was always going to be my everything. It ended up ugly when I admitted making (unfruitful) advances on another girl. In the washup, she insisted that I slept with a hooker to 'get it out of my system'. I did and it wasn't as good as with the girl I loved. The hooker even asked for my phone number. She said she would appreciate me more than my gf. After becoming my wife, my gf had another affair and is still with the same guy 15 years later. I have had some seriously amazing sex since. My ex's new bloke is now semi-crippled and they sleep in separate rooms! It's been different for me every time and I've learnt alot about how to please a woman and myself as a result. But my truth is that sex can be a lonely experience with someone you don't share love with. For me, the two go hand in hand. That's not to say that recreational sex can't be good for you- it can be great, but eventually the heart needs more. Enjoy what you have where you are and be completely immersed in your feelings for your gf, excluding all others in thought and action otherwise you'll never really know how good it can be with the one you are with.
But why??