Cranky: possibly. Feeling ugly: possibly. Self-esteem issues: possibly.
I wouldn't attribute these to being "withdrawal symptoms" as such, since those are normally in the vein of direct physiological dependancies upon a substance or activity. However, your sense of self-worth, attractiveness, confidence, and happiness are very likely tied into how often you have sex. There are constant messages from different areas of society about how sex/romantic involvement is the main goal in life, how people who do not have it often are in their position because they're not as 'fit' (in Darwinian terms) as others. It creates quite a stigma around lack of sex, and these values are likely integrated within the vast majority of the population to some degree.
In short: yeah, it's probably part of the reason, but not because you actually physically need sex in the same way you'd need cocaine were you an addict.
And yes, I realise you didn't need this long or detailed or tangental an answer. :P
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Last edited by Suave; 08-24-2005 at 11:59 PM..