I think monitoring software is invasion of privacy. Tell your kids to not give out personal info on the Internet. Tell them to stay away from any type of "free" stuff or any type of "deal." Never put in personal info. Never put in personal info. Never put in personal info. If you ever catch your kids doing the aforementioned activities, take the fucking computer away like my mom did to my sister.
Monitoring chatting or which websites your kids go to (especially a damned teenager) is ridiculous. I'm glad my parents weren't computer savvy enough to monitor what I was doing...that would have ruined my early PC experiences. I learned about the Internet myself and I'm proud of it. There's no way to learn about what is good and bad on the Internet if you're being controlled. Whatever the kid is saying on the Internet is the exact thing they're saying off of the computer...so why ruin a huge new world for someone to explore?
Make your kid(s) understand that giving out personal info on the Internet is the biggest mistake you can make. Tell your kids that if they have any question about content they see on the Internet that they can always ask about it. Limiting the Internet experience for a teenager isn't necessary...it's simply an inquiring mind wanting to know what lies in the vast sea of bits and bytes. When you're old enough to use a computer and the Internet, it's not uncommon to want to know what over a billion webpages hold within and talk to friends without using the phone. Let the kids enjoy the experience while protecting themselves.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert