Originally Posted by Supple Cow
First of all, I apologize in advance if I offend anyone, but this thread strikes me the way one of those "help me find love" threads does, where the best thing to say is that you can't love somebody else until you love yourself. Second, I do not presume to pass judgment on anyone based on whether or not they want to identify as a "girl" or "woman" because that is not the issue. The issue is whether or not you identify as a person, first and foremost. If you act like you are more female than you are human, you will attract company that treats you that way. Likewise, if you treat people like they are male and female before they are human, they will behave less and less like human beings. It really is that simple, even if it takes a little while to experience it before you can trust that it is.
wow, never one to mince words. tell us how you really feel.
Yes, we're all human beings, but gender issues are alive and well in our society, addressing them and speaking about them is a way to break down those boundaries. And if we can't speak about it in peace here on this little internet site, where can we?