My first girlfriend and I were in the same boat. The experimenting worked out naturally as we started keeping a couple of fun lists: 1) locations 2) things
The locations list doesn't need to be exhibition-like locations like the middle of a theater (done it) but rooms of the house, stairwells, top of the refrigerator, etc. It kept us both on the look-out for new and exciting things to do. And creative ways to do it. (The top-of-the-refigerator took a ladder and it wasn't at all satisfying but we had loads of fun TRYING!)
The "things" list was also became very creative - pudding, handcuffs, cream, fruit, popsicles, scarves. Avoid toothpaste. It was neat seeing the sudden gleam in her eye when we'd go shopping. It becomes a challenge and will help unleash the demon within.
Have fun!