So you joined the ranks of the car business
Now...this is from someone who has been in it for over ten years now..and don't take this the wrong way, it's meant to help.
Keep your eyes, ears open and don't try to learn too much too quickly as it will destroy you in this business.
A LOT of what you hear from you managers, closers, desk managers..etc when you're a greenpea is BULLSHIT!
The CSI is a tool that helps the OWNER, not the salesperson(with the exceptions of spins) A good CSI rating helps him with his dealer cash, advertising dollars and allocation for cars.
Financing rates depends on how fucking greedy the desk is feeling that day, especially if they have a customer that is not in tune witn what they should pay .
Now...if you wish to be a hero to your clients always tell your deskman that your client wants a 5 day option contract to shop the rate..this tell them they can only make a 1/2 point on the rate..maybe a point, so always ask your client if they have a credit union or bank they have been with awhile.
HELP YOUR CLIENT..FUCK THE OWNER as he is stealing you blind right now, along with finance also..ESPECIALLY if you do any leases.
Dealerships love to steal greenpeas money and on lease they can hide whatever front end gross you made and move it to the back and tell you it was a mini deal. This is why you have to pay attention.
The more you help your client the further you will go in this business especially if you maintain your integrity and don't become like all those other fucking sleeze bag thieves that rip anyone and everyone off they can.
If your dealership is owned by Sonic or Auto Nation fucks...QUIT NOW!
They are destroying the business and stealing you blind...take my word for it.
I would love to get into more but maybe on my next post but it's time to go nighty night as I am one tired fuck right now and I have another 12 hour day ahead of me.
Feel free to ask me anything and the KS will guide you my friend.
God Bless