Now, basically this is individual habits that people have around you that you pick up on..... example....
Now, my father would be a heavy smoker. He told me that he had his first cigarette at age 7. Started again when he was in high school and now hes never looked back. What I gather from this is not that hes going to die younger (on average) but that who cares? Along with his drinking, he may be classified as an alcoholic but do I care? No, because it's his choice. Same with my brother smoking weed, my mother complaining (which I get from her) and myself being a huge prick.
Now, my question to you TFP is whether or not you are affected by the habits of those around you, negatively or positively?
Heres an even more in depth over view:
My mother, nags, complains and thinks of herself. Likes to pigeon hole my Dad when they were divorcing (still does). What I've learned.... I'm just like her and that I'm going to be sure that I marry the right person
My brother, works his ass off all the time, eats, sleeps, doodles on the computer. My lesson.... enjoy your time.
My sister, where to begin, easy to make angry, committed and confuses the hell outta me. What she learned, never bend over while I am shoveling... that scar will always be there. What I've learned..... I know nothing about girls.
My girlfriend (some would say I'm stupid doing this), committed, honest, opinionated. What I've learned.... fear her wrath.
Thats all, lets hear what tfp has to say?
p.s. hope the heck this thread works or I'll have some pissed off family.