I think your confusion is a good thing, and I'm not going to do anything to help it. I've spent a great deal of time travelling and talking to various people about religion, and I'm going to try and shed a bit more light on some things.
First off, I think all the world religions are 'correct'. Depending on your upbringing, you may have different ideas of what god(s) is(are).
I don't like thinking of Buddism as a religion, as Buddah wasn't a god. Buddism is more of a Moral Code, that helps you in understanding the four noble truths. You can be Buddist and worship within another religion. For instance you could be a Buddist Catholic, there is nothing in Christianity that conflicts with Buddah, as long as you recognize that Buddah was just a guy with really good ideas.
Satanism, probably isn't what you may think. Satanists don't worship a big red dude with horns named Satan, but are more focused on the development of 'self' Some satanists worship themselves as gods. Most often though, Satanists try to get away from the herd mentality that society has forced upon us. This is not to say that there isn't cults of people out there who worship ol'pointy head, there are people who believe drinking blood of another person lets you steal their power. But there is also people out there who believe in Scientology.
Christians, Jews and Muslims are all 'people of the book' They all worship the same god. They just have issues about which chapters of His/Her book to use, and which people in His/Her history were profits, and which were just good people that people wrote about. Jesus was 'King of the Jews' and is worshipped heavily in Christianity. There are a lot of parallels between the Torah, and the Christian Bible. Muslims believe that the word of God (Allah) became tainted by man, and that Mohammed was sent down to give us the second edition.
Hinduism is a complex religion. My gross oversimplification of it is: People are trying to experience the divine supreme knowledge, (known as moska). They believe a lot in Kharma, in that if you do good things you are moving closer to divine supreme, and that bad things cloud your soul and make it harder to recognise the divine supreme. Everything you do leaves and imprint on your soul, and you want your soul nice and clean.
As I said earlier, I believe all the religions of the world are 'correct' I am a spiritual person, who has lost belief in organized religion. I believe that God is so complex that the human mind will never fully comprehend the whole being. What we as humans have done is create avenues of worship around what part of God we can understand. In other words we all worship the same thing, we just have different names and ways of doing it. All religions have similar core values: Be a good person, and do good things. So, in the end, it doesn't matter which way you do it, as long as you: 'Be Good'
If you want this to get weird, I can tell you about what I think God is......
As soon as you stop living, you start dying....