Well our house is a disaster area so I don't know who does more/less. I try to clean here and there as does she but we both have high stress jobs and very long commutes so by the time we get home in the evening we've got time to have dinner, relax for an hour or two and go to bed. I used to go to work later so I'd stay up and clean but unfortunatly those days are over. We also have a thirteen year old girl in the house so nothing stays clean long. Sometimes I get bitched at about letting dishes stack up or dirty clothes or the like but then I point out her various messes and the matter generally gets dropped. I actually enjoy cleaning the house (except the bathroom - Yick!) and when given the free time (like my vacation) I keep it clean but as it stands its a constant battle for us to stay ahead of the grime. I'm probably better at housework in general than my wife because I can get obsessed and go into what I call a "Cleaning Frenzy" but I can't drive a nail to save my life. My wife on the other hand is quite handy and has a nice collection of power tools. All in all, she keeps track of the finances, the housework is probably about equal, and she does simple house repairs and the like with my help (which usually makes the job harder for her). I though am a better cook and probably enjoy it more. I'm also a bit obssessive about laundry. If this was the 'fifties she'd be the husband and I'd be the happy homemaker wife! I will say this, If I was a "stay at home husband" the house would be absolutely spotless. SPOTLESS. I'd do all the laundry, cook dinner, get groceries, clean house, and do all the errands that need doing. I've known some stay home spouses that have no job, contribute little more than emotional support and still bitch about a messy home. If you're not bringing home a paycheck or going to school full time then its your job to keep the house in order. It's an important job as well.
Thousands of Monkeys, all screaming at once. Pulling God's finger.
Last edited by StephenSa; 08-23-2005 at 10:04 AM..