Originally Posted by tooth
But she needs to understand why she thinks it is wrong for Vitamin_H to keep up his current arrangements.
This almost exact thought ran through my mind the other day when I was discussing the issue with a friend. I honestly thing she doesn't know
why she feels that way, only that she was
told to feel that way by parents, clergy, whoever and therefore does. That may be the thing that worries me the most about what future she and I have. As I've said before I'm a firm believer in that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, however I don't know if she herself has reasoned out that this is wrong or not. I want her to form
her own opinion on the matter, not regurgitate someone else's.
Originally Posted by maleficent
Maybe when VitaminH proves himself to be a faithful kinda guy, it will change her opinion.. .but for now, she can only go by what she's been told to believe.
This is entirely possible. I can tell you that I'm really only the second guy she's gotten into anything serious with, and the first one she dated was in high shcool and he ended up sleeping with several other girls because she wasn't ready for sex yet. She was defintly hurt pretty badly by that and I have to suspect that at least part of her disapproval here stems from that. I currently live roughly 150 miles away, and only get to see her on weekends, and on top of that here I am so far away, living with some other girl. I suppose when you put it like that it may not be the most ideal situation.
She did try to turn it around on me the other day (granted, it backfired) and said "well would YOU like it if I just moved in with some guy friend of mine???" To which I replied it was fine with me if that's what she wanted to do.