Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
This may or may not have any bearing, but its what popped in my head....How many non believers complain about having Christmas day off...paid? (yes I know some people dont, but in a LOT of compaines this is one of the days the company gives you off and pays you for it) I dont hear any of the "non believers" complaining about that!!
you might if you spoke with non-christians who can't get their holidays off.

on a related note to that, my bf celebrates the sabbath on saturday, not sunday. finding employers willing to give you every sunday off for religious reasons is a lot easier than finding ones willing to give you friday evening through saturday evening off.
regarding the christmas vs winter break. i'm in the "who gives a crap" camp. people will call it whatever they want regardless of what the school refers to it as. we didn't have "spring break" till i was in high school--prior to that, it was easter break. it didn't matter that the school changed the name, to this day people call it easter break.