I'm at a complete loss. (kinda long sorry)
Ok so here's the history. I have been with my bf for 4 months, I know doesn't seem like that long but we have a very strong relationship and it really seems like we've been together longer. Anyways, we met at school and saw each other everyday and when we went back home (we only live about 40 mins away from each other) we still tried to see each other as much as possible, which was practically everyday because he wasn't working. Then he got drafted by the Houston Astro's and moved to Tennessee for the summer season of ball. I've been able to go out and see him twice, I'm actually out visiting him right now. I've been here since the 9th and his mom and his grandma came to town this past week so I've been spending a lot of time with them while he's playing. Since he doesn't have a car here, his mom and gma pick us up for lunch then we drop him off at the field because he has to be there around 2 and then I spend the day with them and then we watch his game. So we've been spending most of the day together.
Anyways, I've never really thought his mom liked me very much. He has an older brother and they just adore his girlfriend but his mom never seemed to warm up to me and I'm not really sure why. My bf has always said that he doesn't see what I see and that she likes me but I've never really seen that but I have tried really hard. Since the day his mom and gma got her they haven't been particularly nice to me. They cut me off when I'm talking and change the subject and never seem too interested in what I have to say and basically are just pretty rude to me. Which started to really bug me.
Yesterday was my birthday and they came and picked us up again and took us to lunch, which was really nice. They gave me some really nice gifts (his mom gave me a pair of earrings) and were pretty pleasant while we were there. On the way out to the car, I decided to put in the earrings she gave me and take mine out and she said "good because those earrings are pretty trashy." That hurt but I got over it. Ok she has different tastes, so what? Later that night at the game a guy proposed to his gf on the field before the game and his mom didn't know I was in earshot but said that she was glad it wasn't her son proposing to me. That really hurt because it was completely uncalled for. Then that night at dinner and today at lunch they practically ignored me so I decided to stay over at one of my friends houses here so they could have some time with my bf without me there and his mom seemed really annoyed by that.
I don't know what to do. If anybody has any advice I would greatly appreciate. I mean I love this guy more that I thought possible but I don't know if I can deal with his mom hating me. It has already caused problems between us and I'm just not sure what to do or if there is even anything I can do.