Originally Posted by willravel
Votes for liars are worse than not voting.
We are all liars and thieves to some degree, aren't we? (Those without sin, throw the first stone.) I don't think I'm a better person than Bush or Kerry based on what I know about each of them -- all from a great distance -- but I think my values mean more than the President's. So what? Denigrating people as liars or otherwise still doesn't excuse ignoring the right to contribute to society vis a vis a vote. A lesser evil is less evil to suffer, at the very least.
I think that throwing away the only influence you might have on a particular date in a democracy is the worst thing you can do. You have to get away from the idea that ANYTHING you do individuallyfor the sake of a democracy (at least as far as voting goes) is meaningful. Very few individual votes are meaningful, but the accumulated voices of all the voters decides the outcome. Doing nothing when faced with a choice is resignation and rejection of your rights in a democracy. Not voting is not a principle. I can't respect the idea of shirking social responsibility, especially in a free country where elections are so well supported for the masses. Grow up, get up, and vote. Don't "elect" to be a drag on society by not participating in the most fundamental right of a democracy.