Originally Posted by highthief
Well, d'uh!
It's a figure of speech, but it does express how I feel. every damn election I get up off my ass and go vote. I have no patience for the opinions people who can't be bothered and who want to cry about it afterwards.
So all people who don't vote are just being lazy? The people who don't vote 'can't be bothered' by voting? Are you sure?! I happen to know several people who won't vote unless the politician or law or measure matches with their political views completly. They rarely vote, as you can probably guess. Is that really so irresponsible and lazy? Or is it their civic duty to only choose people and laws that represent their views?
I didn't vote for Kerry, and I didn't vote for Bush. I voted Libertarian. When Gore went up against Bush, many of my friends didn't vote because neither of them were (or are) good candidates for president. If Cheny runs against Hillary in 2008, and there are no decent indipentants running, I WON'T VOTE FOR PRESIDENT. Yes, that's right. I'll forego voting as a statement of disgust at the present dual party system that takes advantage of voters. I think that's why a lot of people ignore elections. They've been either ignored or controlled for their entire voting lives. Politicians make promises to pull in votes, and when they take office they push their own adgendas. Votes for liars are worse than not voting.