daknjak, Mrs ryfo here, I too have real trouble driving and fear beiang in the car alone and with others (how sad is that??) I dont work but I try to get out fairly regularly, I do go to the gym 4x per week and find that it really helps with the physical symptoms. I too fear puking and my main worry is my throat goes dry and I think oh no i am gonna puke here and now(usually in supermarket queue or at someones house or a traffic jam, and I get this horrible urge to 'get out' and run run arun but i am too scared of being outside so i am scared to stay and scared to go so usually i just close my eyes and sing a song over and over to try to get over the panic attack. Some may think i am a fruitcake, but as you said many people have phobias i just fear everything. Good luck and keep in touch