Everyone has different aspirations. Some are big, some are small. My dreams and aspirations would probably seem dull in yours and many others eyes, but they make me happy.
To reach our aspirations sometimes we must take a path that has nothing to do with them. Personally, I would like to live in a nice cottage in the woods with my wife, but not so far away from civilization that we have to leave our socal circles.
That's what would make *me* comfortable. However, making that move requires money, and aquiring enough money requires working for a lenghty amount of time. During the time that I've been working to fulfill my dream, I also met my wife and had a child. I now have other people to care for, and I doubt living in the woods appeals to my daughter (atleast, it wouldnt have to me as a kid, no fun!). So, for my forseeable future, atleast until the children are on their own, I'm working. I'll be providing them with an environment that is more fun and saving up to reach my dream home at the same time.
Am I giving into societies norms? I suppose so, but I'm damn happy doing it. Having a child means that I'll have to work longer and harder to reach my original dream, but that's a very small price to pay in my mind. I never dreamed of having and raising a child. Now I cant imagine of having a dream that didnt involve children.