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Old 08-18-2005, 03:09 PM   #31 (permalink)
Location: Don't worry about it.
Originally Posted by silent_jay
If you'll notice my post was in response to someone from the forum saying they couldn't wait to see Berts career end. Here's the quote for you

And my response was that anyone who has ever played hockey would never say anything like that. If you think people who have played hockey say those things then it's quite obvious you haven't played at any kind of competitive level before.

First off, you know nothing about me, what I do, or what I've done. So don't assume you know what your talking about. For a fact I played competitve hockey for about 17 years, from 5th grade till I was about 26 years old. I'd still play if physcially able, but shoulder surgery and broken ankle has taken it's toll.

I certianly hope your broad use of the term "you" doesn't apply to me. If it does, please, save yourself, and me the "ignorance is bliss" speech about what I know, and/or do, because you don't know.

On to better things and the discussion...

Now he jumped on his back? Sorry but no jump in the video footage I've seen and no driving his head to the ice either, I did see 5 or more people jumping on top of them though, but when the actual injury occured is always going to be open for debate.
He was ON HIS BACK when he hit the ice, his hand and forearm is across his neck and upper back. He hit him going FOWARD, which means he fell, FOWARD. How is that NOT contributing to driving the mans face into the ice? (Bad picture, but the only one I knew of off the top of my head, and you can clearly see where his forearm is.)

He's not a monster. He's human, like all of us. I really feel Bertuzzi wishes that never happened, but it did happen. It ruined someones career and livelyhood. He made a mistake, he admitted that, he cried on tv, lotsa drama.. etc.. etc.. Bottom line is, he's back in the NHL, and I'm glad to see it. But you can't expect people to get past a malacious, viscious attack on another human being. It's no part of hockey and if people consider him a monster, then so be it. It's really not that hard to understand why, is it?

Last edited by Kurant; 08-18-2005 at 03:25 PM..
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