Absolutely nothing wrong with being a grownup. My goals are just a little more grounded than yours. Instead of dreaming about backpacking around Europe and coming up with the cure for AIDS and winning the Nobel, I dream about getting my house paid off and having no debt and enough money to afford a nice getaway for a week at least once a year.
I don't see what the big deal is. When I was young I had big dreams of being a successful writer but dreams don't pay the bills. So I channel my creative energy elsewhere now and don't pine over it. Who knows, maybe one day I'll write a bestseller and be a household name, probably not though. I'm not going to waste my time sulking over it though. I have a daughter to play with, and wife to screw silly, and a house payment to make, and an alternator to fix, and on and on. Instead of winning the Nobel my pipe dream is a 3way with my wife and her best friend. And I LIKE beer. If that makes me boring or mundane oh well...