Well first of all being that I can relate to how your feeling having experienced the divorce drama also a few years ago...my deepest sympathys....cause plain and simple it hurts like hell inside.
As for staying friends and keeping in touch....well there are thoses that can pull that off.........
Uh that choice wasn't for me.......I felt like I had already wasted enough time out of my life on her and she took enough of me in the divorce. So I sent her a picture of my ass so in the future she could kiss it whenever she was wondering how I was doing.
Today may seem like a dark day.....but tomorrow is a brand new beginning!
I'm happy for you my tfp brother....whether this what you truely wanted or not...it happened for a reason and now it's done.
All right sexy kittens....stand back...make room....there's new cat in the jungle and he's hungary and on the prowl!
"Don't let your mouth write checks your ass can't cash!"