Originally Posted by chelsea_9
hence the reason i never worry about taking it the same time every day... its just a reminder.
Perhaps you could get a weekly pill case and put your pill in that along with a multivitamin. It wouldn't be like popping the pill out of your BC package. I do it because I take a number of other vitamins and half the time I don't think about what pill I'm taking. It's almost just a vitamin to me. Maybe that would help you not think about it as much.
If you don't think you'll be having sex, you aren't using the pill to deflect one or two periods every 3 months, and you don't want to take the pill - Don't. If you end up having sex you can always make him wear a condom. If he's not thrilled about you taking the pill then it's his responsibility to wear the raincoat. It irritates me that he managed to make you feel negatively about this subject when you were trying to be responsible and take the worry off his shoulders.
Good Luck girl.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.