So, as she was lying in the middle of the street, with cars driving around her, you didn't call the police or an ambulance for her? Why?
Did you grab your camera and try to take pictures of the guys to hand over when you called the police?
I think if you ask yourself why you didn't do anything, you will have the answer as to why others' didnt do anything.
3:30am in downtown Chicago? I'm sure that most people would make a lot of assumptions as to what's going on - and not want to get involved.
A few years back, I had gotten in to Newark quite late, and was in a cab heading home, because of a major construction project, the cabbie was taking side roads... at 2:00am in downtown Newark, not exactly wise... At a traffic light, we pulled up next to a fancy car (totally out of place) with a very young woman in it who was sobbing. I had the cabbie stop - who basically told me I was loco... and I asked the woman what was wrong... she was lost... we got her back to where she needed to go (Rich, white suburb) and when i told the story the next day, the response was - well she was probably t here in daddy's car to buy drugs... if anything happened to her-- she kinda asked for it... Well, there was no doubt she was there to buy drugs.. and while I'm all for thinning out the gene pool... if anything ever happened to this woman, I wouldn't be able to live with myself because I was in a position to help her and didnt/ Stupidity on her part isn't an excuse on my part to not do anything.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
Last edited by maleficent; 08-12-2005 at 03:33 AM..