Not to go too far off-topic, but when I read this:
"The kids basically stumbled through an open rabbit hole and found Wonderland," Polly, a library technology administrator, said of the Kutztown 13.
I couldn't help but think this was a stupid comment. They stumbled through an open rabbit hole? Polly? What?
Anyways, then there was this:
The site,, has been visited tens of thousands of times and sells T-shirts and bumper stickers, including one that says: "Arrest me, I know the password!"
Ahh, as long as one can profit from it, then there is no wrong, now, is there?
Oh, and the "Arrest me, I know the password!" is stupid on the same scale as Polly's rabbit hole comment. When I read stuff like this in a news article, it makes me think Jayson Blair or Steven Glass wrote it, cause I find it hard to imagine that there a people really this dumb.