Originally Posted by djtestudo
The one problem with that logic is that professional sports operates on a completely different economic scale from the rest of the world.
Fans are willing to pay the money to watch the players, so the players want, and do deserve, their share.
I actually have no problem with players holding out. If a team can cut a player after a bad year, why can't a player ask for more after a good year? Even TO 
They sign their name to a contract and breach it..... then screw them, no matter WHO they are or what sport. (Even if it were Lebron, Manning, Pujols whoever.)
Now if they don't have a contract and want to hold out that's a different story (Braylon Edwards etc.).
But personally, I'd rather watch people who play for the love of the game and not the money.
I mean how much is enough.... and to say owners make fortunes while players starve and can be released at any time is BS.
Pay me a couple hundred thou or a mill and release me after a season.... I'll make some good investments and live comfortably the rest of my life.... as will my kids.
The owners have the right to make money. Baseball is a great example of owning a team and it being a money pit.... the salaries are too far out of what the teams bring in. And to say don't pay it is foolish because you need fans to fill the stadium or no matter how low the payroll the owner loses money.
Esp. Baseball where the owners pay millions to keep the minor system going, and develop players to be stars and 5-7 years later just before they hit their prime they leave for more money? Where's the loyalty to the teams and fans?
I just can't get into the "break the bank" mentalities that TO, ARod and such have. Sure you get the highest salaries but then the team can't afford to compete.
I used to believe players deserved the money, but when I saw they kept getting greedier and had no loyalty to the teams that signed them and paid millions to make them stars, I changed my mind real fast.