Originally Posted by Azrael
Many people feel that voting is our duty, however I have no such feelings. It all seems like a dilema to me, for one must pick the lesser of two evils. I have never voted in my life, and question if I ever will. Is it really that important ?
I live in western Canada, and Canada seems to be ruled by the east, would my vote even make a differnce ?
1.75$ per year.
Every vote a party gets in Canada gives them 1.75$ in federal funding every year. For a 4 year cycle, that's 7$ to the party of your choice.
So it doesn't matter if your candidate has no chance of winning. You don't have to vote for the lesser of two evils. You can pick a party you agree with, or you think should have more say -- be it the greens, the libertarians, the NDP, the liberals, the conservatives, or the MJ party.