I think you messed up in telling her in the first place. Nobody likes to be asked to commit without coming to that conclusion themselves.
I know you didn't ask her to commit...but you left her no choice other than to say she felt the same way or to try not to hurt your feelings.
Then you send roses, I'm sure she liked them but it also asks for something in return in this situation.
Don't ever bring it up again. Act totally cool around her and just be friends. Make sure you see other women too as this will make her want to spend more time with you.
Start spending time with her regularly, with increasing frequency.
Ask her to hang with you, give her plenty of notice so she can't avoid it. Make sure you do something FUN, not romantic.
Wait around a month before doing anything else. Do this a couple of times. As time goes on you can see her more frequently.
Don't be too nice, she knows how you feel. You definitely don't want to get pegged as a "friend" or you can never recover.
Just make sure you are nice, cool and play it loose. Since you already know her I think this is your best chance.
If you were just meeting her you could be a little more direct.
Just be sure to evoke slight jealousy every now and then. Don't call her very often. If she calls you make sure not to answer every now and then so she has to leave a message.
You might eventually cause her to want to be with you.