All sex is chemical so yes I put a lot of stock in chemical imbalances.
If you don't have the right hormones, or the right receptors for those hormones will not have a sex drive.
I've seen it with my wife, who lost almost all of her sex drive when she was breast feeding and on the mini-pill. Sex drive was zero. Now thats shes reduced her breast feeding and is just about done with it, her sex drive has returned (still on that damn mini-pill though). Was she 'asexual'? For those months she basically was. It doesn't take a giant stretch to see how someone could have this issue full time.
Likewise with me, my highish sex drive is now on over drive due to working out. Again its chemical.
Now is being asexual a problem? I don't think so, hell 3/4ths of the 'adult' problems in life seem to revolve around sex in some way, so it would be nice to just avoid it all together at times. Now if you want to have kids/spouse, then yes it could be a problem.
One last point is calling 'asexual' an orientation seems a bit silly. I can't see any value to marching in a parade because you aren’t horny.
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