First off, no matter how hurt you are, for the sake of your child, you need to find some way of maintaining a civil relationship with her, you don't have to be friends, but kids aren't stupid, they will pick up on the anger that you feel. A child deserves both parents, and if mom and dad are going to be fighting, they'll feel the need to pick sides, no child should have to go thru that.
Are you two going to go back to counselling? The issues that you both have seem like a lot for you to try and deal with on your own, without some help. Someone impartial would be useful.
You need to learn how to say no, and protect yourself a little bit. Why are you giving her everything she wants at the expense of your own happiness? Is it so that she'll stay? Sorry to say it but she's taking advantage of you and you are willingly let her.
Going back to the incident two years ago, you know how she felt about drugs, did you promise her that you would not do any drugs? If so, I'd be pretty ticked that you broke that promise to me. Did you know, before counselling, why she felt so strongly about drugs? If not, you two have a lot of communications issues.
Sounds like this relationship was build around a 'sex haze'... Going from nothing to living together when you really didn't know each other well. Now the sex haze is fading and your real personalities are coming out. Having a child, complicates it a lot.
You need to do what is best for you, and also what is best for your child. Two parents who are living seperate but happy lives might be a lot better than two parents under the same roof who really don't get along that well.
I'd get yourselves back into counselling and then see if you can figure out exactly where the issues in your relationship are, and how you can work through them, together.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.