When they focus too much on story we get games like Xenogears where you have to sit through 45 minutes of dialogue at every stupid cutscene.
Now are you sure you meant XenoGEARS or XenoSAGA? Because gears had some great gameplay which way more than made up for the occasional dialogue rant. I dont think anyone can argue that Xenosaga 1 and 2 have the most ANNOYING DIATRIBES EVER!!! At least they're cinematics but that just makes the games movies. Especially 2 where i went literally 2 hours with no action, and I think in 1 i went over an hour before the first boss battle. I dont mind dialogues as long as they tie up the plot because its sure as hell is better than a shotty one.
"man can accept the impossible but not the improbable" - Oscar Wilde