08-05-2005, 07:28 PM
#12 (permalink)
Location: corner of No and Where
Flippity-hippity-flop, you SOB:
Due to some activity by those nutty bloggers over at (of all places) redstate.org, an item from Jon Hurdle at Reuters came to our attention earlier today about how Rick Santorum "differed Thursday with President Bush's support for teaching an alternative to the theory of evolution known as 'intelligent design.'"
The article claims Rick told National Public Radio that intelligent design lacked scientific credibility and should not be taught in science classes. This kind of surprised us -- Rick being known in the "intelligent design" community as an ally and all that. But we listened to the NPR interview and he did, in fact, say it.
"I think I would probably tailor that a little more than what the president has suggested...I'm not comfortable with intelligent design being taught in the science classroom."
I guess Rick doesn't care that this is a 180-degree turn from what he said in The Washington Times back on March 14, 2002 --
"Research has shown that the odds that even one small protein molecule has been created by chance is 1 in a billion. Thus, some larger force or intelligence, or what some call agent causation, seems like a viable cause for creating information systems such as the coding of DNA. A number of scientists contend that alternate theories regarding the origins of the human species — including that of a greater intelligence — are possible.
"Therefore, intelligent design is a legitimate scientific theory that should be taught in science classes.
"Yet, opponents of intelligent design contend that by including the theory in the new teaching standards, the separation of church and state will be weakened. This is false. Proponents of intelligent design are not trying to teach religion via science, but are trying to establish the validity of their theory as a scientific alternative to Darwinism."
That's an article he wrote, by the way, not some reporter misquoting him out of context.
He either doesn't care about this incredible flip-flop, or he hasn't yet heard of the Internet, where just about anyone can find stuff he wrote three years ago in about 30 seconds.
To read more about Santorum and the issue of "intelligent design," read the SantorumExposed.com issue page titled "Why does Rick Santorum want to leave teaching a world-class science curriculum behind?"
Senator man-on-dog is a liar AND a bastard. Must be hard to suck every moment of his life, but the man's got stamina...
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