I've warned some customers about the purse thing. (I work in a grocery store.) I must look very kind and helpful because noone has ever minded. Li'l old ladies let me carry their bags and people ask me for directions all the time, even when I'm a tourist! It's easier for me to get over the awkwardness of giving random advice to strangers when I'm in "uniform" though, my "official" personality is a lot more authorative than my "private".
I've told the head of the machine engineering depatment that a button in his vest was open at a full evening dress type of event. He thanked me and walked away to button it. My more modest friend who witnessed the event told me kind of angrily that "You don't tell a dean that his vest is unbuttoned!!!1omg!". He would apparently rather have the dean walking around with a not-impeccable tail-coat.