This brings to mind Frist's flip-flop on stem cell research. A lot of Rep lawmakers really don't buy into a lot of the social-conservative right-wing agenda. They have sold it on the stump to get into Congress, but when it isn't convenient for their election strategy they drop it quickly as they really could have cared less about it in the first place. Only Rick knows his real beliefs, but he is a corporatist, and as such standing up for the right-wing platform isn't worth losing points in an election.
With Republican control of all branches of government, and a majority of state governorships and legislatures, if the Republican leadership really believed in its heart in pushing the right-wing agenda, we'd be seeing a lot more on that front than we have. Instead most of it has been for show: Schiavo case intervention which in reality did nothing for the issue, noise about a marriage amendment which has yet to see daylight, and of course a heavy dose of God language in the rhetoric. Where the Republican s have really forged forward is on the corporatist side, not the religious one.